Amazon 因缺貨而分批寄送會額外收運費嗎?

大概三個多月前吧,我在 Amazon 訂了四本書,經過三個星期左右(若沒記錯),就收到其中三本書,其中一本因為缺貨而分批寄送(Amazon 會先要我確認是否還願意購買那本書)。

再過了一個多月,我又收到 Amazon 的來信,說那本書還是缺貨,要我再確認是否還願意等那本書到貨。我再次確認了。

就在前幾天,我終於收到 Amazon 的出貨通知--那本書終於有貨了。看一下出貨通知的金額明細:

The following items have been shipped to you by
Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal
--------------------------------------------------------------------- items (Sold by, LLC):
1 Guess what... $18.45 1 $18.45

Shipped via Standard Int'l Shipping (estimated arrival date: 11-July-2008).
Tracking number: AMZSDFS000012345

Item Subtotal: $18.45
Shipping & Handling: $6.24

Total: $24.69
Paid by Visa: $24.69

咦?還要額外收運送及處理費 6.24 美金啊?我突然覺得,當初訂書時網站上說有貨,可是要我等了這麼久才到貨,而且是因為缺貨才分批寄送,這樣還要額外收運費啊?於是我立刻到 Amazon 網站的客服頁面填了以下意見:

Dear sir,
A book titled 'Guess what....' in my order is delayed twice, but I'm shocked when I receive your mail saying this item needs another 6.24 shipping fee (See below).I just want to know whether it's Amazon's policy or not, so next time I'll make the right choice (do not confirm delayed items).
Thank you!

結果隔天立刻收到 Amazon 的回信(書名和訂單號碼我改過了):

Thanks for writing to to bring this to our attention.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the the delay in completing your item "Guesss what....". We do take full responsibility for any delays that result from errors made during shipping.
I have checked your order #123456789 and found that this is not any other charged, but you have been charged for the shipping cost for $6.24 and $18.45.
In an effort to compensate you for this inconvenience, I've requested a full refund of the shipping charges you paid for this package.
This refund should go through within the next 3 to 5 business days and you should see a credit of $6.24 on your next credit card billing statement.

照 Amazon 的解釋,原來這 $6.24 不是額外收的運費啊?這才想到,自己對 Amazon 的運費及處理費的計費方式其實並不十分了解(只知道運費很貴),當初上網填寫的意見可能措詞太強烈了,這說不定是我自己的誤解啊,那就有點不好意思了。

不好意思歸不好意思,Amazon 打算退給我的 $6.24,自然還是樂意收下了。

只是......今天又收到 Amazon 的來信,信上竟然說,要退給我的金額是 $12.48:

Hello from

We're writing to confirm that we have processed your refund for USD 12.48 for the above-referenced order.

For more information on how we calculate refunds, please visit our web site at

We hope this is a satisfactory resolution for you. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please use this link to contact Customer Service:

Thank you for shopping at

退還金額變 double 了!這可真是出乎意料之外。以 Amazon 的待客之道,下次當然還會繼續跟它買書的。

每次訂書時都很心疼那些運費,之前曾 survey Amazon 的二手書店,以及美國其他的二手書網站,發現書價都非常便宜(很多新書都還打對折甚至更多),雖然運費還是差不多貴,但整體來說可省下不少錢。可惜那些原文二手書網站的國外遞送服務對象都不包括台灣(連 Amazon 二手書店也是),看得到卻吃不到,只能望書興嘆。如果有人知道哪些原文二手書線上商店有提供寄送到台灣的服務,希望能分享一下。

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