例 1:These techniques do not replace other approaches to software testing but can significantly increase testing effectiveness, help identify and reduce redundancy, and also reduce the susceptibility of the testing effort to the pesticide paradox...
去年五月,IBM 的 IT 架構師 Richard Hopkins 和 Kevin Jenkins 合寫了一本書:《Eating the IT Elephant: Moving from Greenfield Development to Brownfield》。這本書對岸有出簡體版,書名譯為「吃掉IT大象—從綠海到棕海」...
摘自:Framework Design Guidelines 2nd edition by Krzysztof Cwalina & Brad Abrams
Key Terms
progressive framework: 漸進式框架
DO: 表示強烈建議、務必遵守的設計原則。
CONSIDER: 建議考慮這麼做。
DO NOT: 禁止事項。
AVOID: 儘量避免的做法。
DO 設計框架時要兼顧功能強大與容易使用。如 Alan Kay 所說:「簡單的東西就要有簡單的設計,而碰到複雜的情況時也應該要能應付。」(Simple things should...