話說有一天,主管湯米轉達老闆指示,要吉娜規劃程式設計的訓練課程,目標是大約 40 小時內讓所有員工都會寫 ASP.NET 程式(其中包括一套既有的應用程式框架和程式設計模型),以便投入既有專案的程式撰寫與維護工作。學員當中,有的寫過 ASP,少數寫過 ASP.NET 程式,另外還有一些則是完全沒有 .NET 或 Web 應用程式的開發經驗,甚至連物件導向程式語言都沒用...
In some ways, it's easier than a straight greenfield project because you're starting from scratch, yet you still have a reference application that defines the functionality. At the same time, you're essentially rebooting an application that, from the users' perspective, may work....