First We Read, Then We Write: Emerson on the Creative Process
by Robert D. Richardson, University of Iowa Press, 2009, 112 pages.
I've just read the first three chapters, and I found it really insightful. For example, why are we reading? In the first chapter (Reading), Richardson says "Emerson did not...
ASP.NET 4.0 和 ASP.NET 2.0 在使用 SQL Server 來儲存 session 狀態資料時,使用的 table schema 是一樣的,主要的差別在於這個 SQL Server 預儲程序:DeleteExpiredSessions。此預儲程序的用途是刪除過期的 sessions,它會由 SQL Server Agent 定期執行,預設的執行頻率為一分鐘一次...