讓 Veeam Backup 免費版也能自動備份

Veeam Backup Free Edition 並沒有提供排程備份的功能,但它並沒有禁止我們自行撰寫指令來執行它的備份程式。我從網路上找到一個好心人分享的 Powershell 指令,稍微修改,貼在這裡。


Automate Backups with Start-VBRZip in Powershell (Veeam Backup Free Edition)

  • 變數 $AllVMs:在抓取虛擬機器名單時,原始文章是使用 Find-VBRViEntity 指令,那個是給 VMWare 用的。我的是 Hyper-V,所以改成 Find-VBRHvEntity。
  • 增加刪除老舊備份檔案的工具函式。原因:Start-VBRZip 指令的 -AutoDelete 參數沒有作用,造成備份檔案的數量不斷增加。
  • 把備份目標位置從網路位置改為本機的 D: 槽。
  • 輸出一些訊息到 console,方便除錯。

修改後的 Powershell 指令如下:

Utility functions for deleting old files.
Source: http://blog.danskingdom.com/powershell-functions-to-delete-old-files-and-empty-directories/
# Function to remove all empty directories under the given path.
# If -DeletePathIfEmpty is provided the given Path directory will also be deleted if it is empty.
# If -OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate is provided, empty folders will only be deleted if they were created before the given date.
# If -OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate is provided, empty folders will only be deleted if they have not been written to after the given date.
function Remove-EmptyDirectories([parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][string] $Path, [switch] $DeletePathIfEmpty, [DateTime] $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate = [DateTime]::MaxValue, [DateTime] $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate = [DateTime]::MaxValue, [switch] $OutputDeletedPaths, [switch] $WhatIf)
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force -Directory | Where-Object { (Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -Force -File) -eq $null } |
Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate } |
ForEach-Object { if ($OutputDeletedPaths) { Write-Output $_.FullName } Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force -WhatIf:$WhatIf }
# If we should delete the given path when it is empty, and it is a directory, and it is empty, and it meets the date requirements, then delete it.
if ($DeletePathIfEmpty -and (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) -and (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force) -eq $null -and
((Get-Item $Path).CreationTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate) -and ((Get-Item $Path).LastWriteTime -lt $OnlyDeleteDirectoriesNotModifiedAfterDate))
{ if ($OutputDeletedPaths) { Write-Output $Path } Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -WhatIf:$WhatIf }
# Function to remove all files in the given Path that were created before the given date, as well as any empty directories that may be left behind.
function Remove-FilesCreatedBeforeDate([parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][string] $Path, [parameter(Mandatory)][DateTime] $DateTime, [switch] $DeletePathIfEmpty, [switch] $OutputDeletedPaths, [switch] $WhatIf)
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force -File | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $DateTime } |
ForEach-Object { if ($OutputDeletedPaths) { Write-Output $_.FullName } Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force -WhatIf:$WhatIf }
Remove-EmptyDirectories -Path $Path -DeletePathIfEmpty:$DeletePathIfEmpty -OnlyDeleteDirectoriesCreatedBeforeDate $DateTime -OutputDeletedPaths:$OutputDeletedPaths -WhatIf:$WhatIf
# *** End of utility functions ***
Automate Backups with Start-VBRZip in Powershell (Veeam Backup Free Edition)
For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
Automate Backups with Start-VBRZip in Powershell (Veeam Backup Free Edition)
For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
Author: the Sysadmin Channel
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 2018-Apr-25
DateUpdated: 2018-Apr-25
https://thesysadminchannel.com/automate-backups-start-vbrzip-powershell-veeam-backup-free-edition -
For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn
$AllVMs = Find-VBRHvEntity -Name * | Where-Object {($_.Type -eq "VM") -and ($_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn")} | Sort-Object Name
$BackupFolder = "D:\backup\VeeamZIP-AllVMs"
$StartTime = Get-Date
$Date = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy")
$LogFile = "$BackupFolder\Logs\log.csv"
$DeleteAfter = "In3days" <# Valid Options: Never Tonight TomorrowNight In3days In1Week In2Weeks In1Month In3Months In6Months In1Year #>
$DeleteBeforeDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-3))
Write-Host "Running..."
Foreach ($VM in $AllVMs) {
$VMName = $VM.Name
$VMName = $VMName.ToUpper()
Write-Host "Working on" $VMName
if (!$(Test-Path $BackupFolder\$VMName)) {
mkdir $BackupFolder\$VMName
Start-VBRZip -Folder "$BackupFolder\$VMName" -Entity $VM -Compression 5 -AutoDelete $DeleteAfter
$Results = Get-VBRBackupSession | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $VMName} | Sort-Object EndTime -Descending | select -First 1
$FileName = Get-ChildItem -Path $BackupFolder\$VMName | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | select -ExpandProperty Name -First 1
#Outputting results into logfile.
" " | Select @{Name = "VMName"; Expression = {$VMName}}, @{Name = "Status"; Expression = {$Results.Result}}, @{Name = "StartTime"; Expression= {$Results.CreationTime.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy hh:mmtt')}}, @{Name = "EndTime"; Expression= {$Results.EndTime.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy hh:mmtt')}}, @{Name = "TotalTime"; Expression= {$VMTime = ($Results.EndTime - $Results.CreationTime); "Hours: " + $VMTime.ToString('hh') + " " + "Minutes: " + $VMTime.ToString('mm')}}, @{Name = "Filename"; Expression = {$FileName}}, @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression= {[math]::Round((Get-ChildItem -Path $BackupFolder\$VMName -Filter $FileName | select -ExpandProperty Length) / 1GB,2)}}, @{Name = "AutoDelete"; Expression = {$DeleteAfter}} | Export-Csv $LogFile -NoTypeInformation -Append
#If the result failed, delete the backup file since it is not valid.
if ($Results.Result -eq "Failed") {
Remove-Item $BackupFolder\$VMName\$FileName -Force
# Delete all files created more than 3 days ago. In case Start-VBRZip failed to delete old files.
Remove-FilesCreatedBeforeDate -Path "$BackupFolder\$VMName" -DateTime $DeleteBeforeDate

儲存為檔案:VeeamBackupAllVMs.ps1。然後開啟 Windows 的工作排程器,增加一個新工作。比較需要說明的是執行動作的設定,參考下圖:

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